Wednesday 26 March 2014

Portfolio insperation
Today we have been looking in to designers portfolios on Westminster fashion site. I looked through a few different portfolios for inspiraration for my portfolio. Some of then looked very professional with alot of work incorporated in to them. Yet I found these a little frighting as my level of work is no where as good as theirs. I really like the lay out used in Lisa Claytons portfolio. Professional but not to complacted. With hard work I could produce my portfolio at this level. Its eye catching, clear and flows. Showing illustrator deigns, colour plate and sample fabrics. Research find for insipration. Research incorporated in to designs and final deigns. Working sketches and techincal drawings professionally edited using images of research. I hope I'm final portfolio is has good as Lisa's. I'd like to lay mine out similar and try to incorporate  as much off my work as possible. While trying my hardest to edit my work using cad, which is not my strong point. 

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