Wednesday 26 February 2014

London trip to vintage warehouse.

Old fashioned hunting boots. Made of leather. These are some of the fabulous and expensive fabrics used to create the suits. While chatting with the tailor he told me that their most expensive suits could cost up to £90.000 !!!
  This is the back of the shop. Just look at all them suits and patterns! I want this shop.
How boss is this jacket!! How much detail and workman has gone in to this jacket.
Henry Poole & co. Down the in basement were all the work goes on!!
  The famous Savile Row. I've never been here before.
 This is a little unit we came cross. Which makes shoes.
 How cool are these!!
Jodhpurs from the back. I didn't realise how wide they were.
Waist is higher at the back. 
Patchers behind the knees and string pull in at the bottom. 
  Old fashioned jodhpurs.
 The inside of the boot.
High legs riding boots.
Belts and braces. Love the colours.
Mans jackets made of tweed.
 EEarly riding saddle.
Riding tackle.
E.   Early riding boots. They remind me of my boots.
T.  This is a pilots jacket. Which has a heating element running through the inside of the jacket. How cool is that!!
This is a vent on the inside of the coat. Defanitly incorparating this in to my designs.
This is the vent from the outside.All the seams have been tapped.
The cuffs are great really like the shaped facing which can be pulled over and buttoned down to tightin the cuff.
This is the collar which I have turned upwards. As u can see there is another piece of the fabric buttoned on to it. This is to help keep the neck warm.
Long equestrian riding coat. With large pockets at the front and belt across the waist. Really like this and it's made by belstaff!
Old fashioned riding coat. Actually made by Belstaff. Long and quit heavy. Nicely lined inside. A lovely coat, nice colour & big pockets. Will use their in my designs.

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